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Key organization  in hand

The time has come to start thinking about all the  procedures to follow . However, work takes up too much of your time, you don't know by what  start where  you just want  to be  accompanied during these future months  in the organization of one of your most beautiful day so that this one is as you imagined it

I will take care of all the organization of your marriage  during  every month that  will precede until D-Day  


  • First exchange and discovery meeting by email, telephone, skype or  around a  coffee (free)

  • Appointment for the development of your project in more detail

  • Creation and implementation of a  Specifications

  • Tips and   search for your  service providers

  • Organization and meeting of your chosen service providers (together if you are on site)

  • Support for  administrative procedures

  • Budget tracking and  timeline

  • Realization  of one  planning  and coordination of the various service providers

  • Realization  of your wedding and D-day planning

  • Creation of a guide for the bride and groom  

  • supervision  from the place of  reception  and setting up D-Day

  • Coordination of different  service providers

  • Presence from the preparations until the opening of the ball

  • Support for contingencies ​ 

  • In all  discretion, I  will take care of the good  progress  of your big day


   Accompaniment throughout the duration of the preparation  of your  event including  our meetings to update on the progress of the preparations

Rate  from 2690 euro

 Partial organization

Are you still missing providers?


You have  selected  a few service providers (e.g. reception venue, caterer, etc.) and you  run out of time  or need help organizing the other posts in your wedding? Entrust me with the organization of your big day to live a dream day. 


  • First exchange and discovery meeting by email, telephone, skype or  around a coffee (free)

  • Appointment for the development of your project in more detail

  • Research  and choice of missing service providers

  • Budget tracking and  timeline

  • Sending a guide for the bride and groom with  tips

  • Sending a  plan made for  each  service provider

  • Realization  of your wedding and D-day planning

  • Presence from the preparations until the opening of the ball

  • Coordination of different  service providers

  • Support for contingencies ​ 

  • In all _  discretion, I  will take care of the good  progress  of your big day

Accompaniment throughout the duration of the preparation  of your  event including  our meetings to update on the progress of the preparations

Price of 1690 euros*

(*according to  service providers  already chosen and the follow-up of the organization)

Coordination of day D

You have thought of all these  last me for the organization of your wedding and do not  don't want  lose a second of this day  managing service providers and  worry that everything must go as you have  foreseen...  my ain't the br of any kind   unforeseen last minute,  node  not from the groom... not for you, you want to spend this day  zero hassle and 100% happiness

  •   Meeting during a 1st meeting to take over your beautiful project

  •   Contact and realization  of one  planning of your chosen service providers

  •   Realization  of your schedule day -1 and day D  

  •   supervision  the place of reception and setting up of D-Day

  •   Presence of the D-Day with you and in all discretion, in order to  to coordinate  your guests  and  service provider (end time to be defined)

Rate  from 690 euros


A la carte

You   have organized  your wedding but you are still missing some service providers  or didn't have time to see the last details 


  • First exchange and discovery meeting by email, telephone, skype or  around a coffee (free)

  • Appointment for the development of your project in more detail

  • Research  and choice of missing service providers

  • Budget tracking and  timeline

  • Sending a guide for the bride and groom with  tips

  • Sending a  plan made for  each  service provider

  • Realization  of your wedding and D-day planning

Price on estimate*

(*according to  service providers  already chosen and missing)

be your dream

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